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Combining Sketch And Tone For Pencil Drawing Pr...

Adversarial Loss. As the traditional conditional GAN, we use the discriminator network to discriminate the real samples from the pencil drawings and generated results. And the goal of the generator works on opposite, trying to generate images which cannot be judged from the real ones by the discriminator . This can be achieved by using an adversarial loss:

Combining Sketch and Tone for Pencil Drawing Pr...

As shown above, the algorithm is also divided into two stages, one that generates line drawing with strokes and another that applies tone mapping and convolves the line drawing and tone mapping to produce the colorful image.

In the second stage, the author combines the histogram tone mapping and the rendering. The author gathers many color distributions from colorful sketch images and summarizes the pattern by predefined distribution functions. A histogram matching is thus applied accordingly. However, to better render the textures, efforts are needed. In the paper, a loss function is designed to work out an intermediate kernel T. The kernel again convolves with S and finally the colorful image comes out.

Sketching graphite Pencils come in a range of grades, from 9B to 9H, that describe the tone of the line that each pencil will produce. The H stands for hard and the B for black. The harder pencil leaves less graphite on the surface resulting in lighter mark-making. The pencils classed as B, on the other hand, are softer and leave much more graphite on the surface. Hence, the marks are blacker. For both types, the higher the number, the harder or blacker they are. There are also HB pencils, which fall in the middle of the scale and are used as much for writing as drawing and F pencils which are firm.

Pencils are the most versatile of drawing media because of the variety of marks that can be made. Marks can be subtle and delicate or bold and vigorous. A few bold strokes can capture movement whilst tonal shading can define form. A great characteristic of pencil is that line and tone can be combined in one drawing.

For detailed drawings, erasers can lift any errors. For sketching, however, rough lines and random marks can add to the piece and so rubbers should not be over used. Some artists, however, create very interesting pieces just using a rubber. Having laid down a base of tonal areas, the form is picked out by the careful removal of the pencil allowing the image to emerge from the darkness.

The Blacker side of the range of grades has a greater ratio of graphite to binder as the number goes up. This makes the Bs the common choice for pure pencil drawing. Again, if a blacker tone is needed, choose a higher number and do not try to apply a lower numbered grade with greater pressure that may only act to damage the paper.

Art is best learned by doing, so feel free to grab a piece of paper and follow along with these 17 drawing techniques. Add depth, contrast and your own unique style to your drawings by combining your favourite techniques.

By learning and improving your pencil drawing techniques, you can be more precise when rendering values in your artworks. Get creative with the marks you make and try out some new approaches to drawing.

The concept of layering in drawing, refers to the process of starting with a light sketch then slowly building in the dark areas to create shadow. Most artists will use this process to plan out where the elements fit before committing to dark lines which are more difficult to erase.

The following techniques of hatching, stippling and tonal sketching are all types of shading methods. These techniques will allow you to create values in your artwork. In art, a value is the relative lightness or darkness of a colour. So by using these different shading techniques, you can create highlights, shadows and give your drawing depth and form.

Hatching is the technique of creating parallel lines to give the illusion of light and shadow. Draw lines closer together to create dark values, lines further from one another create highlights and mid tones in a drawing. Apply more pressure to the pencil for the darkest areas.

Similar to hatching, stippling is a technique of creating a repeat pattern on the paper to convey areas of light and dark in a drawing. Use a dotting action to render values. Create dots closer together to show darker areas and further apart for the highlights and light tones.

This is similar to creating a loose sketch, but the purpose is to capture the movement of your subject in an expressive way. Gesture drawing mainly applies to drawing the human form and capturing the action and pose of the figure.

The indenting technique involves drawing lines on the paper to make indents rather than coloured marks. Then draw over the dents in the paper, by shading with the side of the pencil. The pencil marks will avoid the dent, leaving the white of the paper to show through.

To practise the continuous line drawing technique, draw a single line to create your image without removing the pencil from the paper. The line should be completely unbroken. This is a great tactic for developing observational skills, as it will force you to analyse your reference for longer before starting the drawing. You may find yourself creating cross contour lines to represent the volume of your subject, all without removing your pencil from the paper.

Details add depth and realism to a drawing. For detail work, make sure your pencil is sharpened to a fine point. Use a quality pencil sharpener like this one. It will sharpen pencils to a long point, preserving more of the pencil lead.

It feels quite intuitive to shade in this way, by increasing the pressure on the pencil for darker areas. By varying pressure, you can create anything from light sketches, to highly contrasted drawings.

Drawing precise lines will make an artwork feel neat and precise. To create ultra neat lines, try drawing with a harder pencil first, as the lines are light and easy to erase. Then you can go over these lines with a softer pencil. Alternatively, you could create a sketchy appearance by going over a line several times.

All drawing pencils feel different to work with, and have unique properties that determine how your drawing will look. In this guide Iwill introduce you to the most common pencils used for realistic drawing, discuss the ones I usemost often in my drawing tutorials (and why), and recommend high quality brands for you to try.

When I work with graphite, I usually have an HB, 2B, and a 4B. On the occasion that my drawing requires a very dark value, I may alsouse a 6B (though I try to avoid them, as the darker the graphite pencil, the more it will reflect light and produce glare - but I'll discuss that in a later section of the article).

If you are new to drawing and are developing the sensitivity of your hand, you may want to add a few harder pencils, such as a 2H, to make it easier to draw thelightest values in your drawing.

Asyou can see, the sheen becomes more apparent where there are darker values. So,the darker the tones in your drawing, the more they will reflect lightand produce glare. This can be particularly irksome when trying to photograph graphite drawings.While there are ways to minimize graphite glare, it is ultimatelyan inescapable quality of the medium. If you experiment with graphiteand find that the glare is too much for you, don't fight it. You willlose. If it bothers you too much, just don't use it! Instead, use one of themany drawing pencils available to you that don't naturally have a shiny,metallic quality. (I actually abandoned the above drawing because I was frustrated withthe glare. Lesson learned! Graphite is better used for lighter valuedrawings. Notice that the lightest areas in the drawing above are notproducing any glare!)

Charcoal pencils consist of charcoal powder mixed with a gum binder. This concoction is then compressed into sticks or encased in wood. As with graphite, the amount of binder used regulates the degreeof hardness of the pencil. The more binder used, the harder the gradeof the pencil. The hardness of charcoal pencils usually ranges from HB to 6B (fromhardest to softest). A few brands go a step further and make 2Hpencils, but I personally don't use them (I find that they often scratch my drawing paper rather than leave a smooth mark).If you are going to work with charcoal pencils, I suggest that you buy an HB, 2B, 4B and a 6B, by a brand called General's. (Read about what I look for in charcoal pencil brands and how to compare them in this article!)

General's pencils also have a widerrange. For example, a General's HB tends to be harder (and therefore easier to create lighter marks with) than a 'hard' charcoal pencil. If you must use charcoal drawing pencils labelled as 'soft, medium and hard':

Willow and vine charcoal sticks are particularly useful tools for filling in andevening out large value masses, especially when paired with a soft bristle brush. You can also use it to tone your own paper, as I did for the sketches below:

Thedrawing pencils that you choose depend on many factors. Onepencil is not "better" than another: they all have different characteristicsthat are suitable for different kinds of drawings. You will learn to choose the right medium for your drawings as youexperience the qualities of the different drawing pencils, and figureout what kind of drawing you want to create.Having said that, here are some pro's and con's of graphite vs. charcoal:

The best way to get to know what drawing pencils you prefer is to work with both! An excellent exercise to compare the properties of these two pencil types is to draw the same subject matter using graphite and then charcoal. Why not do this with me in my Realistic Drawing 101 course, while learning the essential skills and concepts of realistic drawing?!

The H and F ranges of pencils are used mostly by architects and drafts people or by artist/illustrators who prefer very controlled and finely detailed drawings. The average drawer or sketcher can ignore this range of pencils in your quest to find the best pencils for drawing and sketching. 041b061a72


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